Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts Keys

Keyboard shortcuts for Windows – Windows 10 keyboard shortcut

Here are some popular windows 10 Keyboard shortcuts which are combination of two more more key. These windows 10 keyboard shortcut will help you in day to day windows activities – 
Windows Key Action
Windows Key + Right Snap current window the the right side of the screen.
Windows Key + Up Snap current window to the top of the screen
Windows Key + Down Snap current window to the bottom of the screen.
Windows Key + Tab This opens the new Task View interface, and it stays open
Alt + Tab Lets you switch between your open Windows
Windows key + A Open the Action Center
Windows key + C Launch Cortana in listening mode (for voice commands)
Windows key + I Open the Settings app
Windows key + S Launch Cortana
Windows key + Ctrl + D Create a new virtual desktop
Windows key + Ctrl + F4 Close the current desktop
Windows key + Ctrl + left or right arrow switch between virtual desktops
Windows Key + Left Snap current window to the left side of the screen
Windows + H Share content (if supported by current app)
Windows + K Connect to wireless displays and audio devices
Windows + X Open Start button context menu
Windows + G Opens the Windows 10 Game Bar
Windows + D Show Windows desktop
Windows + E Open Windows Explorer
Windows + L Lock your Windows 10 device
Windows + Space Switch keyboard input language
Windows + Shift + [Left][Right] Move current Window from one monitor to another
Windows + [1][2][3][…] Open programs that are pinned to task bar
Alt + Space Restore, move, size, minimize, maximize or close current window. Also works like a charm for Windows 10 modern apps.

One Response

  1. Manjeet Singh September 13, 2017

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