DNS Domain Name System definition in Hindi, Understand DNS Server
Domain Name System क्या होता है? DNS definition : Domain Name System को short मे DNS भी कहते है |DNS का काम Domain Name को IP Address मे convert करना होता है | जब हम किसी भी domain name को web browser मे टाइप करते है तो ये DNS उसको IP Address मे कन्वर्ट करता है | इसी प्रकार किसी भी Network मे किसी भी Computer एवं host name को भी ये IP Address मे कन्वर्ट करता है| यह इसलिए होता है क्योकि हम IP Address की तुलना मे Alphanumeric Name easily याद रख सकते है |एक उदहारण की लिए – जब हम www.example.com को browser मे टाइप करते है तो DNS इसको मे या इसी प्रकार की किसी valid IP Address मे चेंज केर देता है| अब आप खुद देखिए हमको WWW.example.com याद करना कितना आसान है जबकि IP address याद करना कितना मुश्किल|

DNS Domain Name System
Mr amit do you have complete notes of advanced networking in hindi. If you have please mail me at
Dost, Abhi to nahi hai but we are preparing it. By the way what topic you are looking for in A.Networking?
15 ko mra exam hai.. Uske aage ho ag toh pls mail me.. Advanced networking and communication ka jtn v ho sake
Nahi dear….15 tk possible nahi hai..
Bro amit… 15 ko mera exam hai… Advnc networking jtna jyda ho sake plz mail me
thank you sir for DNS.
Thanks dost
i want some notes of unix . mail me if u have
Sir मुजे सर्वर मेनेज के बारे में पूरी अच्छी तरह से जानकारी देवे. और हो सके तो नेटवर्किंग के बारे में भी कुछ जानकारी देवे
Thanks sir
NIce job very very helpful to understand
thank u
Thanks dost
Very helpful notes
Can you tell me about standard internet services
Thanks Riya
thanks …..
Thanks dost
Sir server ke bare me and networking video Sir please help me
Dost -please specify particular server topic ……..
server me stub zone k baare me jaankari chahiye
Thanks Amit! Kya aapke pass SQL ke notes hain?
Nahi dost- abhi to nahi hai
Thanks dost…
This is very good notes for computer users. Can You give me Completes knowledge about DNS (with notes) because it is 10 marks question and this blog is not sufficient for 10 marks, Thanks
As well as soon, in this month.
Recursive and caching name server please also explain same.
Nice… Kya aap ke pass RS-232C ke note hai
Pls explain SGML in hindi
bahut achi jankari di sir aapne
Thanks for teaching this top and explain types of dns query
Thanks dost..
Very good explanation, sir
Thanks Priyanka…
network LIU ke deefnation janna hai LIU ka kaam jya kya hai pls help me
Dear sir I want study about networking so I need you . I want u read all information about this so please provide me like where I can collect all information like CCNA server and ip information .
Thanks and regard
Complete notes of networking and server in hindi..
if you hae plz send me a mail.