List of Android Version A to Z with latest Android Versions

Latest list of Android Versions

You know android is popular for its great features as well its name. Android always celebrate new version with popular desserts which sound great and interesting for android users. Here we are listing all the android version with their release date. Here is the list of android Version A to Z – 

Android Version

Android Version

Android Version names a to z

S.No. Android Version Release Date Brand Name
1 1.0 23-Sept-2008 1.5 version called Cupcake and 1.6 called Donut.
2 2.0 26-Oct-2009 2.0 & 2.1 named Eclair, 2.2 named Froyo and 2.3 Gingerbread.
3 3.0 22-Feb-2011 Version 3.0 called HoneyCmob.
4 4.0 18-Oct-2011 4.0 called Ice Cream Sandwhich, 4.1-2-3 called Jelly bean and 4.4 called KitKat.
5 5.0 12-Nov-2014 5.0-1-1.1 called lollipop.
6 6.0 5-Oct-2015 Marshmallow
7 7.0 22-Aug-2016 Nougat
8 8.0 21-Aug-2017 Oreo
9 9.0 6 - Aug 2018 Pie

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Popular Android Versions 1 Cupcake 2 Donut 3 Eclair 4 Froyo 5 Gingerbread 6 Honeycomb 7 Ice Cream Sandwich 8 Jelly Bean 9 KitKat 10 Lollipop 11. Marshmallow 12. Nougat 13. Oreo 14. Pie

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