isolinux.bin missing or corrupt
Q – If you are trying to boot from USB drive which has linux or ubuntu OS and getting “isolinux.bin missing or corrupt” error then below solution might work for you-
Solution – There might be many reason for the above issue and you should make sure all them –
Verify USB drive – This should be good and in working condition.
Verify bootable files – You should make sure that all required files are in the USB and no files left to copy in USB drive.
Boot Setting of your PC \ server – This is very important factor and i have seen many users who resolved issue if above two not worked for them. So you should also try below –
a) Go to BIOS settings and check Emulation Type settings
b) Now go to USB Flash Drive Emulation Type and select Hard Drive option. After this save changes and reboot your machine.
c) After reboot in the boot options you might will get hard drive option and there you need to select your USB drive.

isolinux.bin missing or corrupt when booting from usb
I hope this will help you although there are many other options to resolve above problem but this is one of the solution which worked for us.
This helped me out – it works – Thank you !!!